Séminaires et colloques

Composite Higgs Models: on Flavor, UV embeddings and collider phenomenology

par Prof. Thomas Flacke (Korea University)

Grande Salle du Conseil

Grande Salle du Conseil

Composite Higgs models provide a viable solution to the hierarchy problem. The models predict a new strongly coupled sector at the TeV scale which comes with virtues (discoverable new resonances at the LHC), problems (new sources of flavor violation) and new questions (``What is the underlying strongly coupled model?’'). In the first part of the talk, I present results on the prospects to detect heavy vector-like resonances (``top partners’’) at LHC run 2. In the second part, I briefly discuss the flavor problem within composite Higgs models and a new potential solution to it. In the final part I discuss a potential UV embedding leading to a viable composite Higgs model, and its phenomenological implications.