24 avril 2018
Polygone Scientifique
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Le CPTGA vous invite à sa 10ème "Journée de Physique Théorique". Le but de ces journées est de permettre des échanges entre physiciens théoriciens travaillant dans des domaines très variés. Le thème de la Journée Théorie 2018 sera "Phénomèmes collectifs". Tous les physiciens, théoriciens et expérimentateurs, sont les bienvenus. Les présentations seront en anglais. Le programme sur le site web est provisoire. Il sera complété au fur et à mesure. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

The CPTGA invites you to its 10th "Journée de Physique Théorique". The purpose of this series of workshops is to enable exchanges between theoretical physicists working in various fields. The topis of the 2018 Theory Day will be " Collective Phenomena". All physicists, theorists and experimentalists, are welcome. The talks will be given in English. The program on the website is preliminary. It will be completed as information becomes available. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Collective phenomena

It is well known that a system composed of a large number of interacting particles can exhibit large scale organization, leading to complex collective behaviors which may (or may not) be associated to spontaneous symmetry breaking. Such collective phenomena, triggered by strong interactions between microscopic constituents such as electrons, atoms or molecules, have been explored at the classical and quantum level for a long time in statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics. In the last decades, collective phenomena have also been studied in a soft matter context, considering assemblies of macroscopic entities like sand grains, bacteria or birds. Several examples of collective phenomena, either from condensed or soft matter, will be discussed during this "theoretical physics day" of the CPTGA.

List of speakers:

  • Eric Bertin (LIPhy)
  • Simone Fratini (NEEL)
  • Kirsten Martens (LIPhy)
  • Nicolas Rougerie (LPMMC)
  • Davide Squizzato (LPMMC)
  • Xavier Waintal (INAC)
  • Mike Zhitomirsky (INAC)
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Finit le
Polygone Scientifique
Amphitheatre Maison des Magistères
25 rue des Martyrs, 38042 Grenoble Cedex