Florian Ruppin
Upcoming optical/IR surveys will have both the sensitivity and the area to push cluster detection to . The SZ and X-ray follow-ups of richness-selected clusters enable investigating the ICM properties at high redshift and improve our understanding of cluster formation. With both a wide field of view and a high angular resolution, NIKA2 is a very well suited instrument to map the SZ signal of high redshift clusters up to .
The observations of MOO J1142+1527, an IR-detected galaxy cluster at , using both the Chandra satellite and NIKA2 have led to very promising results. The Chandra data obtained with a ACIS-I exposure are combined with the high quality SZ data measured by NIKA2 in order to estimate the radial profiles of all the ICM thermodynamic properties. We confirm the high mass of the cluster found by CARMA using low angular resolution SZ data. The high angular resolution of both Chandra and NIKA2 allows us to study the cluster morphological properties. The identification of a ~200 kpc offset between the X-ray and the SZ peaks as well as a clear elongation of the ICM along the R.A. axis are hints that this cluster is an on-going merger. This conclusion is confirmed by combining the SZ and X-ray data at the map level in order to obtain maps of the ICM temperature and entropy. These maps show that the ICM regions on the west side of the X-ray peak, coincident with a radio loud AGN, present a high temperature and entropy.
I will present the on-going SZ/X-ray follow-up program of 6 high redshift clusters ( ) selected from the MaDCoWS and IDCS surveys and its main goals. I will then describe the characterization of the first cluster of this sample: the very massive, high redshift, and morphological disturbed cluster MOO J1142+1527 from the first joint analysis of Chandra and NIKA2 data.
Auteur principal
Florian Ruppin