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Jean-François Lestrade
(Observatoire de Paris)
06/06/2019 14:00
Planets and planetesimals are formed in the gas- and dust-rich protoplanetary disks surrounding nascent stars in the first 10 Myr of their life. Planetesimals belts, or debris disks, that remain afterward are unique objets to study planetary systems that have evolved from these primordial structures. On one hand, optical/IR observations reveal small sized grains that are partly blown out the...
Lea Bonnefoy
06/06/2019 14:30
Saturn’s icy satellites, which are in synchronous rotation around Saturn, often present a different albedo on their leading and trailing sides, which interact differently with Saturn’s dusty rings. Because longer wavelengths probe deeper into the subsurface, observing both sides at a variety of wavelengths indicates possible changes in thermal and physical properties with depth. The Cassini...
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