Documents de présentation
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Etienne Pointecouteau
(IRAP Toulouse)
04/06/2019 09:00
I will review the evolution of observations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) signal from groups and clusters of galaxies within the course of the past two decades. The SZ effect has become an efficient way to investigate the astrophysics of the hot intra-cluster gas, very competitive and complementary to X-ray observations, and thereby renew the use of massive halos as a cosmological probe. I...
Juan Francisco Macias-Perez
04/06/2019 09:30
Clusters of galaxies are unique cosmological probes sensitive to the primordial density fluctuations, and the expansion history and energy content of the Universe. The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect is an observable of choice for cluster cosmology due to the low scatter in the relationship between SZ flux and cluster mass, and the construction of large tSZ selected cluster catalogs....
Frédéric Mayet
04/06/2019 10:00
The main limiting factor of cosmological analyses based on thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) cluster statistics comes from the bias and systematic uncertainties that affect the estimates of the mass of galaxy clusters.
High-angular resolution SZ observations at high redshift are needed to study a potential redshift or morphology dependence of both the mean pressure profile and the...
Florian Kéruzoré
(LPSC Grenoble)
04/06/2019 11:30
The NIKA2 SZ large program (LPSZ) was designed to take advantage of the NIKA2 high angular resolution and large eld of view to help us improve our knowledge of galaxy clusters. It consists in observing ∼50 clusters from intermediate to high red- shift (z ∈ [0.5, 0.9]) to re-compute the relations needed for cluster-based cosmological analysis, i.e. the mean pressure pro le of the intra-cluster...
Herve Bourdin
(University of Rome "Tor vergata")
04/06/2019 11:55
Complementarily to X-ray observations, the thermal SZ effect is a powerful tool to probe the baryonic content of galaxy clusters from their core to their peripheries. While contaminations by astrophysical (Galactic and extragalactic thermal dust) and insrumental backgrounds require us to scan the thermal SZ signal across various frequencies, the multi-scale nature of cluster morphologies...
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