Séminaires et colloques

"Building Nucleons and Nuclei from Quarks and Glue: Results from the Research Program at Jefferson Lab" L. Cardman (JLab)

par A.Lucotte, C. Furget



The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab is a unique new tool for the study of atomic nuclei that can provide intense, cw beams of polarized electrons with energies of up to 5.7 GeV. The accelerator began delivering beam for physics research in October 1995, and has been in full operation since December 1998. CEBAF supports a broad range of nuclear physics research aimed at addressing key questions in the field, such as: how nucleons are constructed from the quarks and gluons of QCD; how the strong force arises from the underlying QCD quark-quark interaction; and where the conventional description of nuclei based on nucleons interacting via the nuclear force breaks down. The broad outlines of this research program will be reviewed, and examples of the exciting results from recent experiments will be presented. Prospects for extending the scientific reach of the facility through an upgrade of the beam energy to 12 GeV and the construction of an enhanced suite of scientific instrumentation will also be discussed.