Séminaires et colloques

[sém. théorie] General relativistic spin system

par Danilo Artigas (IAS Orsay)




The models of spin systems defined on Euclidean space provide powerful machinery for studying a broad range of condensed matter phenomena. While the non-relativistic effective description is sufficient for most of the applications, it is interesting to consider special and general relativistic extensions of such models.

In a recent paper, we introduced a general method for constructing a theory of continuous spin system on curved background. This makes use of techniques of non-linear field space theory, where correspondence is made between the spin wave representation and the Klein-Gordon field. From this, one can covariantly couple the spin system to gravity, which leads to a Dirac-Born-Infeld type action. This form of the action is particularly relevant at the cosmological level, where it leads to vast phenomenology to explore. We hope this general procedure helps in coupling canonical matter systems to gravity and stimulates cross-fertilization between condensed matter and gravitational research.

ZOOM link: https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/94411318960?pwd=K2hXYUhTT1BZYlJvNEFLelJzWFdGdz09

Organisé par

Killian Martineau