
[HDR] Effective Field Theory Perspective to Physics Beyond the Standard Model

par Dr Jérémie Quevillon (LPSC (CNRS))


I will present some of my recent and current researches on the topic of Beyond the Standard Model physics in view to obtain the "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches''.

A first part of the seminar will be an introduction to the concept of Effective Field Theory. A dedicated discussion on one-loop effective actions will allow us to introduce the framework of the Universal One Loop Effective Action (UOLEA). In a second part, I will present some application to axion physics related to the strong CP puzzle in particle physics. It will also present new results and insights regarding axion phenomenology along with baryon and lepton number violation. In a last part, I will look at axions, BSM particles, from the dark matter point of view and discuss some of their implications in cosmology and astrophysics.

The presentation will be in French.

Zoom link:

ID : 615 0127 5060
Code : 132478