Séminaires et colloques

[Séminaire cosmologie] Breaking the cosmological forecasts

par Joachim Harnois-Deraps

Grande salle du conseil (LPSC)

Grande salle du conseil



Upcoming weak lensing surveys such as Rubin and Euclid are designed to improve by an order of magnitude the precision on the so-called Dark Sector of the Universe. The early forecasts upon which accuracy targets were set all assumed that cosmology would be mostly learned from measurements of the shear two-point functions. Although this choice was well motivated from a theoretical point of view, new developments in the field have revealed that alternative methods can significantly outperform the original plan. In this talk I will introduce some of the current efforts in “Beyond-two point Statistics”, show why these new methods do much better at constraining dark matter and dark energy, and present a roadmap to prepare their use for upcoming surveys.