Séminaires et colloques

X-ray emissions from the large scale structure of the Universe

par Johan Comparat (MPE Garching)




X-ray emissions from the large scale structure of the Universe

In this presentation I will discuss recent (eROSITA based) observational advances of the large scale structure in the X-ray wavelength range. First I will focus on how X-ray selected AGN populate the cosmic web. Then I'll discuss observations of the circum-galactic medium and their implications for the field of galaxy formation and evolution. Finally, I'll discuss how simulations are key to infer cosmological parameters with samples of clusters of galaxies.


Lien Zoom : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/98462833827?pwd=bFJUajAyd200OTMrQU9pbmlVdUJMZz09