ECRIS10 – Online Presentations
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Monday, August 23rd, 2010
Oral Presentation
of ECRIS Operation |
S. Gammino |
MOCOAK01 SECRAL Status and Test Operation at 24GHz Hongwei Zhao |
MOCOAK02 Intense Ion Beam Production with SuSI Liangting Sun |
MOCOAK03 Status of new RIKEN SC-ECRIS Takahide Nakagawa |
MOCOAK04 Status of the VENUS ECR Ion Source Daniela
Leitner |
& New Developments |
C. Lyneis |
MOCOBK01 ECR ion sources for the Facility for Rare Isotope
Beams (FRIB) project at Michigan State University Guillaume Machicoane |
MOCOBK02 Present
status of FLNR (JINR) ECR ion sources Sergei Bogomolov |
MOCOBK03 Status of ion sources at HIMAC Atsushi Kitagawa |
MOCOBK04 The ORNL MIRF HV Platform and Floating Beamline Upgrade Project Fred Meyer |
& New Developments |
T.Nakagawa |
MOCOCK01 PK-ISIS: a new superconducting ECR ion source at
Pantechnik Antonio C. Villari |
MOCOCK02 3D simulation studies and optimization of magnetic
holes of HTS-ECRIS for improving the extraction efficiency and intensities of
highly charged ions Gerard O. Rodrigues |
MOCOCK03 Design study of a higher magnetic field SC ECRIS at
IMP Daniel Xie |
MOCOCK04 Measurement of the Sixty GHz ECR Ion Source using
Megawatt Magnets - SEISM magnetic field map Mélanie Marie-Jeanne |
MOCOCK05 Multigan®: a new multicharged ions
source based on axisymetric magnetic structure Laurent Maunoury |
Monday, August 23rd, 2010
Poster Session
MOPOT01 Operation of KeiGM for the
carbon ion therapy facility at Gunma University Masayuki Muramatsu |
MOPOT02 Two-chamber configuration of the Bio-Nano ECRIS Takashi Uchida |
MOPOT03 Study of Potential Application of Compact ECRIS to
Analytical System Masanori Kidera |
MOPOT04 Neutralisation of accelerated ions and detection of resulting
neutrals. Thies Peleikis |
MOPOT05 High current production with 2.45 GHz ECR Ion source Arona Coly |
MOPOT06 Ionization efficiency of a COMIC ion source equipped
with a quartz plasma chamber Pekka Suominen |
MOPOT08 He2+ source based on penning discharge with
additional 75 GHz ECR heating. Ivan Izotov |
MOPOT10 The Light Ion Guide CB-ECRIS project at the Texas
A&M University Cyclotron Institute Gabriel Tabacaru |
MOPOT11 DRAGON a new 18 GHz RT ECR ion source with a large
plasma chamber Wang Lu |
MOPOT12 Tests of the Versatile Ion Source (VIS) for high
power proton beam production Santo Gammino |
MOPOT13 MONOBOB II : Latest results of monocharged
ion source for SPIRAL2 RIB Mickael Dubois |
MOPOT14 The design of 28 GHz ECR Ion Source for the Compact
Linear Accelerator in Korea Misook Won |
MOPOT15 The Design Study of Superconducting Magnet System
for a Advanced ECR Ion Source Byoung Seob Lee |
MOPOT16 Early uranium ion production in SUSI and a low power
survey of offset axial sputtering Dallas Cole |
MOPOT17 Tests of a New Axial Sputtering Technique in an
ECRIS Robert Scott |
Tuesday, August 24th,
Oral Presentation
Beam & LEBTs |
R. Vondrasek |
TUCOAK01 First A/Q=3 beams of Phoenix V2 on the heavy ions
low energy beam transport line of Spiral2 Christophe Peaucelle |
TUCOAK02 Trace Space Reconstruction From Pepperpot
Data Herman R. Kremers |
TUCOAK03 Plasma-to-Target WARP simulations of Uranium beams
extracted from VENUS compared to emittance
measurements and beam images. Daniel Winklehner |
TUCOAK04 Production of U ion beam from RIKEN SC-ECRIS with
sputtering method Yoshihide Higurashi |
TUCOBK Pulsed Operation |
P. Spaëdke |
TUCOBK01 Preglow phenomenon origins and its scaling for ECRIS Ivan Izotov |
TUCOBK02 “Preglow” investigation in
ECR discharge @ 37 GHz, 100 kW Vadim Skalyga |
TUCOBK03 Time Evolution of Plasma Potential in Pulsed
Operation of ECRIS Olli Tarvainen |
TUCOBK04 Micropulses generation in ECR breakdown stimulated by gyrotron radiation at 37.5 GHz Vladimir Zorin |
TUCOCK Applications |
Chair: L.Maunoury |
TUCOCK01 Beam, Multi-Beam and Broad Beam production with
COMIC devices Pascal Sortais |
TUCOCK02 Status of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source
Development at Peking University Shixiang Peng |
TUCOCK03 Development of 14 GHz electron cyclotron resonance
ion source at KAERI Byung-Hoon Oh |
TUCOCK04 Mass Spectrometry with an ECR Ion Source Michael Hotchkis |
TUCOCK05 Special Presentation of the Grenoble High Magnetic
Field Laboratory (LNCMI) Francois Debray |
Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
Poster Session
TUPOT01 Plans for Laser Ablation of Actinides into an ECRIS
for Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy Richard Pardo |
TUPOT02 Enhancement of ECR performances by means of carbon nanotubes based electron guns Fabrizio Odorici |
TUPOT03 A new BETSI test bench at CEA/Saclay Sébastien Nyckees |
TUPOT04 MICROGAN ECR ion source in a Van de Graaff accelerator terminal Gabriel Gaubert |
TUPOT05 An ECR table plasma generator Richard Rácz |
TUPOT06 Using Mass-flow controllers for obtaining extremely stable
ECR ion source beams Xavier Donzel |
TUPOT07 Preliminary design of BLISI, an off resonance
microwave proton source Slobodan Djekic |
TUPOT08 Performance of the LBNL AECR-U with a TWTA Janilee Benitez |
TUPOT09 Measurements Of Bremsstrahlung
Radiation and X-ray heat load to cryostat on SECRAL Huanyu Zhang |
TUPOT10 Effects of microwave frequency fine tuning on the
performance of JYFL 14 GHz ECRIS Ville Toivanen |
TUPOT11 Measurement of the diamagnetic current on the LBNL
6.4 GHz ECR ion source Jonathan Noland |
TUPOT12 Microwave frequency dependence of the properties of
the ion beam extracted from a CAPRICE type ECRIS Fabio Maimone |
TUPOT13 Influence of initial plasma density and mean
electron energy on the Preglow effect Ivan Izotov |
TUPOT14 Optimized extraction conditions from high power-ECRIS
by dedicated dielectric structures Leon Schachter |
TUPOT15 Permanent Magnet ECRIS for the KEK Digital
Accelerator Kwee Wah Leo |
TUPOT16 Long-term operation experience with two ECR ion
sources and planned extensions at HIT Tim Winkelmann |
TUPOT17 CEA/Saclay light ion
sources status and developments Raphael Gobin |
TUPOT18 Sheath Formation of a Plasma Containing Multiply
Charged Ions, Cold and Hot Electrons, and Emitted Electrons Hyun Jong You |
Wednesday, August 25th, 2010
Oral Presentation
& Beam Investigations |
H.W. Zhao |
WECOAK01 Characterization of the microwave coupling to the
plasma chamber of the LBL ECR ion source. Claude M Lyneis |
WECOAK02 Some considerations about frequency tuning effect in
ECRIS plasmas David Mascali |
WECOAK03 Studies of the ECR plasma in the visible light range Sandor Biri |
WECOAK04 Bremsstrahlung and ion beam current measurements with SuSI ECR ion source Tommi Ropponen |
WECOAK05 Maximum bremsstrahlung
energy versus different heating limits Hannu Koivisto |
Breeding, Optics |
O. Kester |
WECOBK01 Commissioning of the ECRIS Charge State Breeder at
TRIUMF Friedhelm Ames |
WECOBK02 Recent Performance of the ANL ECR Charge Breeder Richard Vondrasek |
WECOBK03 Fine frequency tuning of the PHOENIX charge breeder
used as a probe for ECRIS plasmas Thierry Lamy |
WECOBK04 Ion beam focussing and
steering using a 3D-movable extraction Lauri Panitzsch |
Thursday, August 25, 2010
Oral Presentation
& Beam Investigations |
R. Leroy |
THCOAK01 A correction scheme for the hexapolar
error of an ion beam extracted from an ECRIS Peter Spaedtke |
THCOAK02 Kinetic Plasma Simulation of Ion Beam Extraction
from a Hexapole ECR Ion Source Stephen M. Elliott |
THCOAK03 Dipole magnet optimization for high efficiency low
energy beam transport Suresh Saminathan |
THCOAK04 Modeling ECRIS using a 1D multifluid
code Michael Stalder |
THCOBK01 Closing Remarks Takahide Nakagawa |