Séminaires et colloques

[sém. doct] JIMENEZ Alejandro : Preparation for the analysis and interpretation of EUCLID cluster cosmology

Grand amphi (LPSC)

Grand amphi



In recent decades we have witnessed a major development of observational cosmology which has given rise to the establishment of a cosmological model of concordance based on a Universe composed of dark matter and baryonic matter, whose dynamics are currently dominated by dark energy. However, the nature of dark matter and dark energy is still unknown. The EUCLID satellite experiment, to be launched in 2020, will tackle this problem by constraining the growth of structures and the black energy equation. These constraints can be obtained via several complementary cosmological probes such as the gravitational lens effect, the clustering of galaxies and the study of the mass distribution and redshift of clusters of galaxies. In order to maximize the impact of the EUCLID results it is important on the one hand to thoroughly characterize the instrumental device and on the other hand to prepare to optimally combine its probes with each other, as well as other observables such as for example the primary and secondary anisotropies of the Diffused Cosmological Fund (CMB).