Séminaires et colloques

The International FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) Project at Darmstadt : Challenges and Opportunities

par Klasen@lpsc.in2p3.fr

Grand amphi (LPSC)

Grand amphi


Hans H. GUTBROD (GSI Darmstadt) The present status of the international FAIR project will be presented. FAIR was approved for construction as an international facility on February 5th, 2003 by the German Government, which pledged 75% of the investment costs. The rest should come from future member states of the international laboratory FAIR. The principal goal of the new facility is to provide the international science community with a worldwide unique and technically innovative accelerator system to perform future forefront research in the sciences concerned with the basic structure of matter, and in intersections with other fields. The facility will provide an extensive range of particle beams from protons and their antimatter partners, antiprotons, to ion beams of all chemical elements up to the heaviest one, uranium. Key features, in addition to higher energies, are primarily upgrades by several orders of magnitude in beam currents, and beams of the highest phase-space density and quality to open new areas of research at the ?intensity? and ?precision? frontiers.
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