
Soutenance de thèse: Beyond vanilla new physics at the LHC

par M. Humberto Reyes González (LPSC)

Grand Amphithéâtre (LPSC)

Grand Amphithéâtre



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The ATLAS and CMS collaborations are pursuing an extensive program of searches for new physics. The results of these searches are typically presented in the context of popular models or simplified model topologies. There exist, however, a plethora of non-minimal, non-standard, less-known, etc., Beyond the Standard Model theories/scenarios, which are not directly covered by these interpretations. Thus, the importance of being able to reinterpret the LHC searches in the context of any variant of new physics. Is within this spirit that this thesis unfolds. It concerns two aspects: LHC phenomenology of such ``beyond vanilla'' new physics and the further development of dedicated tools.

On the phenomenological side, we explore a very interesting alternative to minimal supersymmetry: the Minimal Dirac Gaugino Supersymmetric Standard Model (MDGSSM). First, we derive the current limits on gluinos and squarks in this model. Second, we delimit the parameter space of the MDGSSM electroweakino sector where the lightest neutralino is a viable dark matter candidate, and constrain the emerging scenarios in the light of supersymmetry and long-lived particles searches.

On the tools side, we present a new code to determine if signal regions from different analyses are statistically independent and, hence, can be trivially combined. Finally, we present a neural network designed to accurately predict, with an estimated uncertainty, the production cross sections of the inert doublet model.