26–30 juin 2023
LPSC Grenoble
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Cosmology with galaxy clusters: an improved multi-wavelength analysis

27 juin 2023, 14:35
Amphitheatre (LPSC Grenoble)


LPSC Grenoble


Gaspard Aymerich (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Université Paris-Saclay)


Galaxy clusters are a powerful cosmological probe: they track the latest evolution of large scale structure and are therefore fundamental for testing the cosmological model in the recent Universe. To compare the observations of galaxy clusters with the theoretical prediction and thus constrain the cosmological parameters of the underlying model, a precise knowledge of clusters’ masses and redshift is required. Scaling relations relating the mass with a given cluster observable (like the richness in optical wavelength, Ysz in the mm-band or Yx in X-rays) are usually used to compute the mass of clusters. My work aims at estimating a new scaling relation using a sample of clusters from the Planck ESZ catalogue that was observed in X-rays by Chandra, and ultimately combining all available SZ and X-ray data in a single likelihood to compute cosmological parameters.
XMM-Newton data being available for a large part of the Chandra-Planck sample, I also compare profiles and integrated values for both telescopes.

Auteur principal

Gaspard Aymerich (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Université Paris-Saclay)


Gabriel Pratt (CEA Saclay, Département d'Astrophysique) Laura Salvati (IAS, Paris-Saclay) Marian Douspis (IAS (Orsay))

Documents de présentation