Jun 26 – 30, 2023
LPSC Grenoble
Europe/Paris timezone


The conference proceedings will be  published in European Physical Journal Web of Conferences

It is  an open access journal: http://www.epj-conferences.org


Detailed instructions

  • The proceeding article must be written in latex and must follow the template
  • The latex template can be found here.

If needed, follow the guidelines for the papers that  can be found here (but everything should be in the template).

  • All speakers have been allocated 6 pages (maximum) in the proceeding book, whatever the duration of the talk.
  • Once ready, send you paper as a unique PDF document to the conference editor (F. Mayet) at this address : mmuniverse2023-l@lpsc.in2p3.fr
  • Please use [proc mmU] in the title of your email.


The deadline for submission to the conference editor (F. Mayet) is October the 1st. 


Peer Reviewing

All papers will be peer-reviewed.