26–30 juin 2023
LPSC Grenoble
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Stellar and dust emission profiles of IMEGIN galaxies

28 juin 2023, 16:30
Room 9 (LPSC Grenoble)

Room 9

LPSC Grenoble


Angelos Nersesian (Gent University)


I will present a morphological analysis of a set of spiral galaxies from the NIKA2 Guaranteed Time Large Program, IMEGIN, by fitting simultaneously a single Sérsic model on broadband images, from UV to millimeter (mm) wavelengths, using the multiband modelling code GALFITM. With the recently acquired NIKA2 1.2- and 2-mm observations, it is possible to extend such a morphological analysis to the mm regime and investigate the two-dimensional (2D) distribution (exponential, Gaussian) of the very cold dust (<15K). I will show preliminary results of the 2D large-scale distribution of stars and dust in spiral galaxies, how they relate to each other, and highlight how they differ from galaxy to galaxy.

Auteur principal

Angelos Nersesian (Gent University)

Documents de présentation