Présidents de session
Tuesday P2
- Laura Salvati (IAS, Paris-Saclay)
Tuesday P2
- Florian Ruppin (IP2I)
Documents de présentation
As demonstrated by Planck, ACT, and SPT, the abundance of tSZ-detected galaxy clusters across mass and redshift is a powerful cosmological probe. The upcoming Simons Observatory (SO) will lead to the detection of about 20 000 clusters, an order of magnitude more objects than what previous experiments found, thereby providing an unprecedented constraining potential. However, in order for this...
An all-sky map of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect has been publicly released by the Planck Collaboration in 2015, using a Needlet Internal Linear Combination (NILC) component separation method on Planck PR2 data. The quality of the Planck data has improved since then. The Planck PR4 data release provides full-sky maps in LFI and HFI frequency bands with improved systematics and...
Galaxy clusters are a powerful cosmological probe: they track the latest evolution of large scale structure and are therefore fundamental for testing the cosmological model in the recent Universe. To compare the observations of galaxy clusters with the theoretical prediction and thus constrain the cosmological parameters of the underlying model, a precise knowledge of clusters’ masses and...
Assuming spherical symmetry, joint X-ray and millimetre observations of galaxy cluster atmospheres allow us to measure intra-cluster distances. Using XMM-Newton and Planck observations of CHEX-MATE galaxy clusters, we investigate the relationship between X-ray and X-ray+mm inferences of cluster temperature profiles. The average ratio between X-ray and X-ray+mm temperatures,...
Strong lensing galaxy clusters provide a powerful observational test of Cold Dark Matter (CDM) structure predictions derived from simulation. Specifically, the shape and relative alignments of the dark matter halo, stars, and hot intracluster gas tells us the extent to which theoretical structure predictions hold for clusters in various dynamical states. We measure the position angles,...
In our previews works, deep learning techniques have succeeded in estimating galaxy cluster masses in observations of Sunyaev Zel'dovich maps, e.g. in the Planck PSZ2 catalog and mass radial profiles from SZ mock maps. In the next step, we explore inferring 2D mass density from mock observations of SZ, X-ray and stars using THE THREE HUNDRED (The300) cosmological simulation. In order to do...