Présidents de session
Thursday A
- Elia Stefano Battistelli (Sapienza, University of Rome)
Thursday A
- Helene Roussel (IAP)
The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope Observatory (BLAST Observatory) is a proposed NASA super-pressure balloon mission. BLAST Observatory will include a 1.8 m off-axis primary mirror and observe at 175, 250, and 350 microns simultaneously, with a total of 8274 polarization-sensitive microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) cooled to 100 mK. The telescope will be...
Here I will describe progress with AtLAST, a wide field of view (1-2 degree), 50-meter aperture single dish telescope that will be located at over 5000 meters above sea level, high in the Atacama Desert. AtLAST will accommodate a vast range of large (2 to 4.5 meter diameter) instruments operating from 30 GHz to 1 THz in a cabin that enables expedient switching between receivers. AtLAST will...
The central molecular zone (CMZ) of our Galaxy hosts an extreme interstellar environment analogous to that found in typical starburst galaxies in the distant Universe. In order to understand dust properties in such environments, we have conducted a survey of the CMZ with the AzTEC/Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT) in the 1.1 mm continuum. This survey has been analyzed together with...
Understanding the evolution of dust properties in molecular clouds is important for tracing the star formation process through submm observations. We aim at constraining the evolution of dust grains from star-forming filaments to prestellar and protostellar cores to T Tauri stars. Using the NIKA2 continuum camera on the IRAM 30~m telescope, we observed the Taurus B211/B213 filament in the...