Zoom connection details
Meeting ID: 937 0609 3659
Passcode: 472114
LSM Ge Users Meeting 2024.03.18 start 9:30, end 12:30
in-person at LSM: Maryvonne DeJesus, Jules Gascon, Nadine Sauzet, Silvia Scorza, Guillaume Warot.
Remote: Laurent Derome, Anne-Lise Develle, Irène Lefèvre, Anne Meyer, Frederic Perrot, Rukhadze, Yury Shitov.
All slides are uploaded to the indico
LSM presentation -> LSM mission and new organisation. Scheduling 1:1 meeting Ge user with LSM direction (not mandatory)
PARTAGe presentation -> latest development and results with new purge system and new cleanliness procedure for changing sample. Improved results in radon level in background acquisitions in XXL, bringing the background measurements compatible with previous baseline in independent shielding.
Test to be performed on other detectors - especially for the ones which showed increased 210-Pb after relocation into PARTAGe
Nitrogen purge seems to be working properly to achieve baseline performances. MDJ, FP, JG, NS, SiS, agreed to consider LN2 boil-off for standard purge for HPGe detectors.
Yury Shitov suggested to consider a double lines for detector shielding -> difficult to change samples. LSM will keep the two lines of detector shielding separate.
Archeological lead to complete inner shield for the second line of detectors: MDJ says that Gentiane archeological lead belongs to EDELWEISS and won't be used for the PARTAGe inner shield. Iris and Jasmine inner archaeological lead belongs to LSM, instead.
Procedure for sample swap to be crosschecked by users - possibility to book a day at LSM to do so in the coming months.
Badge discussion -> be mindful with sample name to ease the scheduling process in badge.
Anne-Lise Develle mentioned a challenge to access of previous samples, history and day-to-day status of the sample. Live tour on Badge application. Proposition to include the "bruit de fond" in the status and possibly a table with sample names and status of the sample. Waiting for a feedback from users.
Question arose about the point of contact for logistic and sample activities at LSM -> best is to send email to Guillaume Warot and badge@ to reach the personnel involved.
Problem on flashing memory not yet solved. Restart Genie after LN2 refill failing.
Question about the changing sample frequency: three to ten samples a day
Presentation on IRSN/LMRE (Anne Meyer)
Resolution increased when switched to digital electronic though PPT is showing the 662 keV line at higher resolution with analogic electronic.
Electromagnetic background to be crosschecked within detectors.
Traceability has to be improved by LSM (errors in sample numbers, errors in counting times, spectra badly recorded)
LSM is asked to share modifications and problems, to inform all users.
Energy calibration 10 years old - two new sources 17 mL and 60 mL to be used for 52E and LYS in the summer 2024. Possibility to keep sources at LSM to be confirmed. Contact Nadine Sauzet and Guillaume Warot for planification.