Séminaires et colloques

Modern Tools for Reusable Publications and Data Products

by Matthew Feickert (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

online only (LPSC)

online only



In the modern scientific landscape the publication of results through papers alone is often insufficient for the rapid spread and adoption of new ideas and techniques. Publication of openly available, versioned, and citable code and data products, in addition to papers, provides important reusable tooling that can significantly increase the impact of authors' work. Building upon well established FAIR data practices and the ideas presented in the 2018 publication "Open is Not Enough", I will highlight how these ideas and tools are enabling new physics results at the LHC and improved collaboration across physics. I will additionally explore how these open tools can be readily integrated into your scientific toolbox and argue they can be easily leveraged to improve the spread of work.

Organized by

Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel, Sabine Kraml