26–30 juin 2023
LPSC Grenoble
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Impact of filaments on galaxy clusters properties in The Three Hundred simulation

28 juin 2023, 16:30
Amphitheatre (LPSC Grenoble)


LPSC Grenoble


Sara Santoni (Sapienza University of Rome)


Filaments connecting galaxy clusters in the Cosmic Web are thought to quantify, or to simply have an impact on several intrinsic and observational properties of the halos. From the gas filamentary structure of the 324 simulated regions of The Three Hundred project extracted with the DisPerSE filament finder at z=0, we estimate the connectivity, the number of filaments to which clusters are connected, at different radial apertures from the cluster centre. The connectivity is extracted from the 3D structure and compared with the connectivity inferred from gas maps to take into account projection effects. We confirm that the number of filaments connected to a cluster is closely related to its mass, with more massive galaxy clusters being also more connected. The connectivity is then studied in the context of the dynamical state of the clusters and their mass accretion rate, both parameters linked to cluster evolution. Lastly, the impact of filaments on the integrated Compton parameter signal of the clusters and on their deviation from the Y-M scaling law is investigated.

Auteur principal

Sara Santoni (Sapienza University of Rome)


Marco De Petris (Sapienza, University of Rome) Antonio Ferragamo (Sapienza, University of Rome) Gustavo yepes (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) Weiguang Cui

Documents de présentation