The program will consist of 30' talks, followed by 10' discussion
Speakers and titles
* R. Alvarez-Rodriguez, Three-body decays of many-body resonances,
*Edward A.G. Armour (Nottingham), Binding in some few-body systems containing antimatter,
*Paolo Barletta (Pisa), Scattering states of three-body systems with the Hyperspherical Adiabatic method,
*Vladimir Belyaev (Dubna), New nuclear three-body clusters φNN,
*Dario Bressanini (Como), Boundary-condition-determined wave functions, and their nodal structure, for few-electron atomic systems,
* R. Brummelhuisn Relativistic hydrogen atom in strong magnetic fields,
*Georg M. Bruun (Nordita), Feshbach resonances in ultracold atomic gases,
*Arnas Deltuva (Lisbon), Challenges and achievements in the ab-initio three- and four-body scattering calculations: the Coulomb force,
*Jose d'Incao, Few-body physics in ultracold gazes: the role of Efimov physics,
*Pierre Duclos (Toulon and Marseille): Can one bind three electrons with a single proton?
*Martial Ducloy (Paris-13):The physics of long-range atom-surface interactions and its applications,
*Nils Elander (Stockholm):The driven Schrödinger approach to quantum scattering calculations,
*Charlotte Elster (Ohio), Poincaré Invariant Three-Body Scattering,
*Dmitri Fedorov (Aarhus), On the detremination of the parameters of quantum resonances,
*Francesca Ferlaino (Innsbruck), Few-body physics with ultracold Cs atoms and molecules,
*Christian Forssen (Chalmers), The ab initio no-core shell model,
*Tobias Frederico (Soa Paulo, Brazil), Virtual states, halos and resonances in three-body atomic and nuclear systems,
*Avraham Gal (Jerusalem), Few-Body Approaches and Problems in Hypernuclei,
*Edourado Garrido (SCIC, Madrid), Few-body reactions in nuclear astrophysics problem,
*Mario Gattobigio (INLN, France) The Hyperspherical Harmonic method for a A-body system without permutation symmetry,
*Tomas Gonzalez-Lezana (Madrid), Theoretical investigation of the spectra of rotating trimers by means of a variational quantum method based in distributed Gaussian functions,
*Sergy Yu. Grebenshchikov (MPI, Goettingen), Highly excited bound states and near-threshold resonances in ozone isotope effect,
*Dima Gridnev, Behavior of wave functions near the thresholds,
*Alain Joye (Grenoble), A Mathematical Theory for Vibrational Levels Associated with Hydrogen Bonds,
*Robin Kaiser, Multiple scattering of light in cold atoms: from light localisation to plasma physics,
*Oleg Karttavtsev, Consistent α-cluster description of the Hoyle state in 12 C,
*Alejandro Kievsky, Three-body force effects in few-nucleon systems,
*Elena Kolganova (JINR, Russia), Nuclear and molecular scattering processes,
*Pavel Kurasov, How to model p-scattering using point interactions and related three-body problems,
*Joe Macek (U. Tennessee), Multiparticle interactions of zero-range potentials,
*Miguel Marques (LPC, Caen and GANIL), Light nuclei in the continuum,
*André Martin (CERN), Welcome address,
*Indranil Mazumdar (Tata Institute, India), Efimov Effect in 2-Neutron Halo Nuclei,
*Thomas Neff (GSI), Microscopic Description of Few-Body Systems in the Fermionic Molecular Dynamics Approach,
*Anna Okopinska (Kielce, Poland), Two-boson correlations in various one-dimensional traps,
* Luca Platter (Ohio), Universality in low-energy few-body systems and leading corrections,
*Stephanie Reimann (Lund), Quantum dots and/or Bose-Einstein condensates,
* Jean-Marc Richard (Grenoble, France), Proof of stability of tetraquarks in a minimal-path model of linear confinement,
*Kamal Seth (Northeastern), A journey through exotica in hadronic physics,
*Javier Vijande (Valencia), Four–quark stability,
*Pablo Villareal (Madrid), Spin solvent effects in doped helium clusters: A microscopic manifestation of superfluidity,
*Michele Viviani (Pisa), Four-body nuclear systems,
* M.V. Volkov (Stockholm), Solving the Coulomb scattering problem without using Coulomb functions,
*Holger Walkens (Groningen), Theory of Classical and Quantum Reaction Dynamics in Multidimensional Systems,
*Eberrhard Widmann (Vienna), Experimental low energy antiproton physics,
*Slawomir Wycech (Warsaw), Variational calculations for K-few-nucleon systems,
Speakers and titles
* R. Alvarez-Rodriguez, Three-body decays of many-body resonances,
*Edward A.G. Armour (Nottingham), Binding in some few-body systems containing antimatter,
*Paolo Barletta (Pisa), Scattering states of three-body systems with the Hyperspherical Adiabatic method,
*Vladimir Belyaev (Dubna), New nuclear three-body clusters φNN,
*Dario Bressanini (Como), Boundary-condition-determined wave functions, and their nodal structure, for few-electron atomic systems,
* R. Brummelhuisn Relativistic hydrogen atom in strong magnetic fields,
*Georg M. Bruun (Nordita), Feshbach resonances in ultracold atomic gases,
*Arnas Deltuva (Lisbon), Challenges and achievements in the ab-initio three- and four-body scattering calculations: the Coulomb force,
*Jose d'Incao, Few-body physics in ultracold gazes: the role of Efimov physics,
*Pierre Duclos (Toulon and Marseille): Can one bind three electrons with a single proton?
*Martial Ducloy (Paris-13):The physics of long-range atom-surface interactions and its applications,
*Nils Elander (Stockholm):The driven Schrödinger approach to quantum scattering calculations,
*Charlotte Elster (Ohio), Poincaré Invariant Three-Body Scattering,
*Dmitri Fedorov (Aarhus), On the detremination of the parameters of quantum resonances,
*Francesca Ferlaino (Innsbruck), Few-body physics with ultracold Cs atoms and molecules,
*Christian Forssen (Chalmers), The ab initio no-core shell model,
*Tobias Frederico (Soa Paulo, Brazil), Virtual states, halos and resonances in three-body atomic and nuclear systems,
*Avraham Gal (Jerusalem), Few-Body Approaches and Problems in Hypernuclei,
*Edourado Garrido (SCIC, Madrid), Few-body reactions in nuclear astrophysics problem,
*Mario Gattobigio (INLN, France) The Hyperspherical Harmonic method for a A-body system without permutation symmetry,
*Tomas Gonzalez-Lezana (Madrid), Theoretical investigation of the spectra of rotating trimers by means of a variational quantum method based in distributed Gaussian functions,
*Sergy Yu. Grebenshchikov (MPI, Goettingen), Highly excited bound states and near-threshold resonances in ozone isotope effect,
*Dima Gridnev, Behavior of wave functions near the thresholds,
*Alain Joye (Grenoble), A Mathematical Theory for Vibrational Levels Associated with Hydrogen Bonds,
*Robin Kaiser, Multiple scattering of light in cold atoms: from light localisation to plasma physics,
*Oleg Karttavtsev, Consistent α-cluster description of the Hoyle state in 12 C,
*Alejandro Kievsky, Three-body force effects in few-nucleon systems,
*Elena Kolganova (JINR, Russia), Nuclear and molecular scattering processes,
*Pavel Kurasov, How to model p-scattering using point interactions and related three-body problems,
*Joe Macek (U. Tennessee), Multiparticle interactions of zero-range potentials,
*Miguel Marques (LPC, Caen and GANIL), Light nuclei in the continuum,
*André Martin (CERN), Welcome address,
*Indranil Mazumdar (Tata Institute, India), Efimov Effect in 2-Neutron Halo Nuclei,
*Thomas Neff (GSI), Microscopic Description of Few-Body Systems in the Fermionic Molecular Dynamics Approach,
*Anna Okopinska (Kielce, Poland), Two-boson correlations in various one-dimensional traps,
* Luca Platter (Ohio), Universality in low-energy few-body systems and leading corrections,
*Stephanie Reimann (Lund), Quantum dots and/or Bose-Einstein condensates,
* Jean-Marc Richard (Grenoble, France), Proof of stability of tetraquarks in a minimal-path model of linear confinement,
*Kamal Seth (Northeastern), A journey through exotica in hadronic physics,
*Javier Vijande (Valencia), Four–quark stability,
*Pablo Villareal (Madrid), Spin solvent effects in doped helium clusters: A microscopic manifestation of superfluidity,
*Michele Viviani (Pisa), Four-body nuclear systems,
* M.V. Volkov (Stockholm), Solving the Coulomb scattering problem without using Coulomb functions,
*Holger Walkens (Groningen), Theory of Classical and Quantum Reaction Dynamics in Multidimensional Systems,
*Eberrhard Widmann (Vienna), Experimental low energy antiproton physics,
*Slawomir Wycech (Warsaw), Variational calculations for K-few-nucleon systems,
Talks at Critical Stability V (Erice, October 2008)
Here are stored the talks to be given at the Worskhop.