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S. Åberg
(Lund University)
- Co-auteur de The ab initio no-core shell model
- Kievsky Alejandro (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Pisa, Italy)
Valcarce Alfredo
- Auteur de Four-quark stability
- Raquel Alvarez-Rodriguez
- Edward A. G. Armour
- Paolo Barletta
- Paolo Barletta (UCL - London)
Vladimir B. Belyaev
- Auteur de New nuclear three-body clusters φN N
- M. Berninger (Institut für Experimentalphysik and Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Innsbruck, Austria)
- Dario Bressanini
Philippe Briet
(Marseille & Toulon)
- Co-auteur de Relativistic Hydrogen in Strong Magnetic Fields
Raymond Brummelhuis
(Birkbeck college, London)
- Co-auteur de Can one bind three electrons with a single proton
- Raymond Brummelhuis
- Georg Bruun
J. Christensson
(Lund University)
- Co-auteur de The ab initio no-core shell model
- Gerardo Delgado-Barrio (Instituto de Fisica Fundamental, CSIC)
- Arnoldas Deltuva
- Jose D'Incao
- Pierre Duclos
Pierre Duclos
(Marseille & Toulon)
- Co-auteur de Relativistic Hydrogen in Strong Magnetic Fields
- Martial Ducloy
- N. Elander (Department of Physics, AlbaNova University Center,Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden)
- Nils Elander
- Charlotte Elster
- Amand Faessler
- Dmitri Fedorov (Aarhus, DK)
- Dmitri Fedorov
Dmitri Fedorov
(University of Aarhus)
- Co-auteur de Three-body decays of many-body resonances
- Francesca Ferlaino
Christian Forssén
- Auteur de The ab initio no-core shell model
- Tobias Frederico
Hans Fynbo
(University of Aarhus)
- Co-auteur de Three-body decays of many-body resonances
- Hans Fynbo (Aarhus University)
- Avraham Gal
Eduardo Garrido
(Instituto de Estructura de la Materia CSIC)
- Co-auteur de Three-body decays of many-body resonances
- Eduardo Garrido
- Mario Gattobigio
Walter Glöckle
- Co-auteur de Poincar\'e Invariant Three-Body Scattering
- Tomas Gonzalez-Lezana
- Sergy Yu. Grebenshchikov
Anthony M. Green
(Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland)
- Co-auteur de Variational calculations for K-few-nucleon systems
- Dmitry Gridnev
- R. Grimm (Institut für Experimentalphysik and Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Innsbruck, Austria)
- George Hagedorn (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA)
Aksel Jensen
(University of Aarhus)
- Co-auteur de Three-body decays of many-body resonances
- Aksel Jensen (Aarhus University)
- Alain Joye
- robin Kaiser
- Alejandro Kievsky
Alejandro Kievsky
- Co-auteur de Four-body nuclear systems
- Alejandro Kievsky (INFN - University of Pisa)
- S. Knoop (Institut für Experimentalphysik and Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Innsbruck, Austria)
Elena Kolganova
- Auteur de Scattering processes in a framework of Faddeev approach
- Auteur de Title to be announced
- Przemyslaw Koscik
- Mikhail Krivoruchenko
- Pavel Kurasov
Ting Lin
- Co-auteur de Poincar\'e Invariant Three-Body Scattering
- Joseph Macek
- A.V. Makykh (Dubna)
- M. Mark (Institut für Experimentalphysik and Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Innsbruck, Austria)
Miguel Marqués
- Auteur de Light nuclei in the continuum
- Maykel Márquez-Mijares (Instituto de Fisica Fundamental, CSIC)
André Martin
- Auteur de Welcome address
Indranil Mazumdar
- Auteur de Efimov Effect in 2-Neutron Halo Nuclei
- Salvador Miret-Artés (Instituto de Fisica Fundamental, CSIC)
- H. C. Nägerl (Institut für Experimentalphysik and Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Innsbruck, Austria)
P. Navrátil
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Co-auteur de The ab initio no-core shell model
- Thomas Neff
- Oleg O. I. Kartavtsev
- Anna Okopinska
- Lucas Platter
Wayne Polyzou
- Co-auteur de Poincar\'e Invariant Three-Body Scattering
- Stephanie Reimann
S. Reimann
(Lund University)
- Co-auteur de The ab initio no-core shell model
- Jean-Marc Richard
- Octavio Roncero (Instituto de Fisica Fundamental, CSIC)
Sergio Rosati
- Co-auteur de Four-body nuclear systems
- J. Hyam Rubinstein (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Australia)
W. Sandhas
(PIUB, Bonn, Germany)
- Co-auteur de New nuclear three-body clusters φN N
- Roman Schubert
- Kam Seth
I. I. Shlyk
(JINR, Dubna, Russia)
- Co-auteur de New nuclear three-body clusters φN N
- Lauro Tomio (IFT/UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil)
J. Vary
(Iowa State University)
- Co-auteur de The ab initio no-core shell model
Javier Vijande
- Auteur de Four-quark stability
- Pablo Villarreal
Michele Viviani
- Auteur de Four-body nuclear systems
- Michele Viviani (INFN - University of Pisa)
- M.V. Volkov
- Holger Waalkens
- Eberhard Widmann
- Steve Wiggins
- Slawomir Wycech
- S.L. Yakovlev (V. Fock Institute of Physics, St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg 198504, Russia)
- Marcello T. Yamashita (ITAPEVA/UNESP, Itapeva, Brazil)
- E.A. Yarevsky (V. Fock Institute of Physics, St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg 198504, Russia)