Vladimir B. Belyaev
(JINR, Dubna, Russia)
16/10/2008 09:00
Talks at Critical Stability V (Erice, October 2008)
Solving Faddeev differential equations, binding energies of three-body systems of the type
φN N are calculated. Due to the strong attraction between φ-meson and nucleon, suggested
in [1] and [2], bound states appear in systems φ + np (singlet and triplet), φ + nn and φ + pp.
This indicates on the principal possibility of the formation of new nuclear clusters with increased
number of...
Slawomir Wycech
(Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)
16/10/2008 09:35
Talks at Critical Stability V (Erice, October 2008)
Deeply bound KNN, KNNN and KNNNN states are discussed. The effective force exerted by the
K meson on the nucleons is calculated with static nucleons. Next the binding energies are obtained
by solving the Schrödinger equation or by variational calculations. The dominant attraction comes from the S-wave \Lambda(1405) and an additional contribution is due to \Sigma(1385). The latter state is...
Kam Seth
(Northwestern, Chicago, USA)
16/10/2008 10:10
Talks at Critical Stability V (Erice, October 2008)
The fascination with the exotic transcends all disciplines. Hadronic, or strong interaction
physics has not been immune from it. Time and again it has come up with ideas of exotic
hadrons. Time and again they turn out to be mirages. But then, once in a while, the exotic
materializes, and all the past failures pale into the excitement of those discoveries. I will present
a tour through...
Dario Bressanini
(Universita' dell'Insubria, Como, Italy)
16/10/2008 11:00
Talks at Critical Stability V (Erice, October 2008)
Highly compact wave functions with a clear physical meaning for the He atom and He-like isoelectronic ions for Z=1-10 are written as a symmetrized product of exp[(ar+br2)/(1+r)] electron-nucleus terms and an electron-electron Jastrow factor to satisfy the correct asymptotic behavior both at short and large interparticle distances. Some parameters are chosen to satisfy exactly the...
Thomas Neff
(GSI Darmstadt)
16/10/2008 11:35
Talks at Critical Stability V (Erice, October 2008)
The Fermionic Molecular Dynamics (FMD) [1] is a microscopic
model for the description of nuclei in the p- and
sd-shell. Many-body basis states are Slater determinants of Gaussian
wave packets localized in phase space. The wave packet basis is very
flexible and includes the harmonic oscillator shell model basis as
well as Brink-type cluster states as limiting cases. The width of the