Jun 26 – 30, 2023
LPSC Grenoble
Europe/Paris timezone

Small scale CMB cosmological information

Jun 26, 2023, 3:00 PM
Amphitheatre (LPSC Grenoble)


LPSC Grenoble


Marian Douspis (IAS (Orsay))


The Cosmic Microwave data at very small scales are known to probe not only primordial CMB fluctuations but also many extragalactic components such as tSZ, kSZ, CIB, points sources.
I will show how to use the cosmological dependent SZ signatures (tSZ and kSZ) at small scales coherently with the large scales and the cosmology framework in Planck and SPT experiments to retrieve both cosmological parameters and reionisation history. Using machine learning to compute efficiently the SZ angular power spectra, I will show new constraints obtained using SPT CMB observations combined with the latest Planck observed tSZ spectrum.  I will discuss how such a coherent analysis could bring additional cosmological information and shed light on the sigma8 tension observed between CMB and clusters.

Primary author

Marian Douspis (IAS (Orsay))


Dr Adélie Gorce (McGill) Laura Salvati (Institut d'Astropysique Spatiale)

Presentation materials