13–17 oct. 2008
Ettore Majorama Centre for Scientific Culture
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

How to model p-scattering using point interactions and related three-body problems

13 oct. 2008, 17:00
Ettore Majorama Centre for Scientific Culture

Ettore Majorama Centre for Scientific Culture

ERICE, Sicily
Normal Talks at Critical Stability V (Erice, October 2008) Surface and scattering


Dr Pavel Kurasov (Lund University)


It is well-known that the celebrated Fermi delta potential model [1,2] leads to non-trivial scattering in the s-channel only. We propose a new family of point interaction models which may be used to describe particles with non-trivial interaction also in the $p$-channel while preserving exact solvability and point character of the interaction [3]. These models are given by self-adjoint operators and their spectral and scattering properies are studied in detail. The developed method is applied to the system of three quantum particles and we discuss the possibillity that this operator is semibounded (in contrast to the Landau Hamiltonian studied by Minlos-Faddeev in the sixties[4]). [1] F.A.Berezin, L.D.Faddeev, Remark on the Schrödinger equation with singular potential. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 137 (1961), 1011-1014. [2] E. Fermi, Sul moto dei neutroni nelle sostanze idrogenate, Ricerca Scientifica, 7 (1936), 13--52 (In Italian.), English translation in E.Fermi, Collected papers, vol. I, Italy 1921-1938, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1962, pp. 980-1016. [3] P. Kurasov, Triplet extensions I: semibounded operators in the scale of Hilbert spaces, accepted for publication in J. d'Analyse Mathématique. [4] R.A. Minlos and L.D. Faddeev, Comment on the problem of three particles with point interactions, Soviet Physics JETP, 14 (1962), 1315-1316.

Auteur principal

Dr Pavel Kurasov (Lund University)

Documents de présentation