Guillaume Beuf
(National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw)
For the DIS dijet cross section at low x, Next-to-Eikonal power corrections with respect to the Shockwave/CGC result have been calculated (at LO in alpha_s). In this talk, we will present the expansion of that result in the back-to-back dijet limit, keeping terms of twist 2 or 3. This allows us to check the consistency between the Shockwave/CGC formalism and the TMD factorization formalism beyond leading power in both ways: beyond eikonal accuracy in the Regge limit and beyond twist 2 in the Bjorken limit for back-to-back dijet. In particular, we find the x dependence of the TMDs to be recovered from non-eikonal power corrections.
Primary authors
Alina Czajka
(National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw)
Cyrille Marquet
Guillaume Beuf
(National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw)
Tolga Altinoluk
(National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw, Poland)