COMPASS is the longest-running experiment at CERN, with a record-breaking 20 years of data collection from 2002 to 2022. The experiment has a unique and diverse physics programme focused on nucleon structure and spectroscopy measurements.
The experimental results obtained by COMPASS during Phase I (2002-2011) and Phase II (2012-2022) for a wide range of nucleon spin structure-related DIS and Drell-Yan measurements play an essential role in the general understanding of the three-dimensional nature of the nucleon. In 2022, the experiment performed its last highly successful data taking dedicated to the study of transverse spin phenomena in semi-inclusive measurements of hadron production in DIS using a high energy muon beam and a transversely polarised deuteron target.
This talk will review selected highlights from the COMPASS legacy on nucleon spin structure studies and address recent results and prospects.