25–26 mars 2013
Imperial Palace Annecy
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Financial support

Participation is possible if registered BEFORE March5st.
Please register on the Indico page. We will contact you by Email to organize your travel.
Travelling costs can be supported only if you fill the FORM1 and FORM2 documents (see below) and, hence, if you are registered in our accounting department  BEFORE the conference.
Reimbursement covers the main travelling costs (train, plane, shuttle, but not taxis or car rental)
Required documents:
  1. Bank's account information (paper document only, to be given to JM De Conto)
  2. If you use our own car: Driving licence + copy the the vehicle registration document
  3. Provide the informations required in FORM1 and FORM2 (and ask me for French translation, I will help you to fill this document)
There are no conference fees
If you stay at Imperial Hotel, RFTech will support the whole conference (room, meals)
Nights included: Sunday and Monday nights
Meals: Sunday evening, Monday and Tuesday lunch
Extra (extra drinks or meals, non-standard rooms) will not be supported by RFTech
If you do not stay at Imperial Hotel, you can participate to the conference (you must be registered) but not financial support can be provided for hotel and meals.
Please contact JM De Conto as soon as possible: deconto@lpsc.in2p3.fr