26–30 juin 2023
LPSC Grenoble
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

3D scaling laws and projection effects in The300-NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program Twin Samples

28 juin 2023, 17:10
Amphitheatre (LPSC Grenoble)


LPSC Grenoble


Aishwarya Paliwal


The abundance of galaxy clusters with mass and redshift is a well-known cosmological probe. The cluster mass is a key parameter for studies that aim to constrain cosmological parameters using galaxy clusters, making it critical to understand and properly account for the errors in galaxy cluster mass estimates. Subsequently, it becomes important to correctly calibrate scaling relations between observables like the integrated Compton parameter and the mass of the cluster. 

The NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large program (LPSZ) with its high (11 to 17 arcsecond) resolution allows one to map the intracluster medium profiles in the mm-wavelength band with great detail and hence, to estimate the cluster hydrostatic mass more precisely than previous SZ observations. However, there are certain systematic effects which can only be accounted for with the use of simulations. For this purpose, we employ the300 simulations which have been modelled with a range of physics modules to simulate galaxy clusters. The so-called twin samples are constructed by picking synthetic clusters of galaxies with properties close to the observational targets of the LPSZ. In particular, we use the Compton parameter maps and projected total mass maps of these twin samples along 29 different lines of sight. We investigate the scatter that projection induces on the total and the hydrostatic masses (inferred using the Compton maps and density profiles under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium) at different overdensities. Eventually, we consider the average and median values along different lines of sight to construct a kind of 3D scaling law between the integrated Compton parameter, total mass, and overdensity of the galaxy clusters to determine the overdensity that is least impacted by the projection effect.

Auteur principal


Alice Moyer (LPSC IN2P3) Antonio Ferragamo (Sapienza Università di Roma) Corentin Hanser Daniel de Andres Hernandez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) Mlle Elena Rasia Florian Kéruzoré (Argonne National Laboratory) Florian Ruppin Dr François-Xavier Désert (Univ Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IPAG) Frederic Mayet (LPSC) Gustavo yepes (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) Juan Francisco Macias-Perez (LPSC) Laurence Perotto (LPSC) Marco De Petris (Sapienza, University of Rome) Miren Muñoz Echeverría (LPSC) Weiguang Cui (UAM)

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