13–17 oct. 2008
Ettore Majorama Centre for Scientific Culture
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The Hyperspherical Harmonic method for a A-body system without permutation symmetry

17 oct. 2008, 15:35
Ettore Majorama Centre for Scientific Culture

Ettore Majorama Centre for Scientific Culture

ERICE, Sicily
Normal Talks at Critical Stability V (Erice, October 2008) T3


Dr Mario Gattobigio (Institut Non Lineaire de Nice - Universite de Nice)


The Hyperspherical Harmonic (HH) method has been widely used in nuclear physics to describe nuclei with A=3,4 [1]. The extension to larger systems is hampered by the large degeneracy of the HH basis. The construction of specifically anti-symmetric states reduces the dimensionality of the basis but encounters technical and numerical difficulties. The coefficients of anti-symmetric basis elements, constructed as a linear combination of HH basis elements times appropriate spin-isospin vectors, are the more difficult to obtain the larger the number of basis elements and/or the number of particles considered; however, once the basis has been anti-symmetrized, the solution of the Schroedinger equation becomes much easies because the potential energy matrix elements can be calculated efficiently. In the present talk we would like to discuss the possibility of using the HH method without resorting to the construction of anti-symmetrized basis states. The obvious disadvantage of the proposed approach is in the very large basis that one needs to handle, which has to be balanced with the simplicity of avoiding the initial construction of anti-symmetric basis states; the physical basis states, having the desired symmetry, are automatically generated in the diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. Preliminary results for the discrete states of A=3,4 systems will be shown using a simple nucleon-nucleon potential. [1] A. Kievsky, S. Rosati, M. Viviani, L.E. Marcucci, and L. Girlanda; J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 35 (2008) 063101

Auteur principal

Dr Mario Gattobigio (Institut Non Lineaire de Nice - Universite de Nice)


Prof. Alejandro Kievsky (INFN - University of Pisa) Prof. Michele Viviani (INFN - University of Pisa) Dr Paolo Barletta (UCL - London)

Documents de présentation