The goal of FASER, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, at the CERN LHC, is to investigate light, weakly-interacting particles. Aligned with the collision axis line-of-sight of the ATLAS interaction point, it is located $480$ m downstream, and covers the previously unexplored pseudorapidity range of $\eta > 8.8$. Sitting in front of the main electronic detector, the passive FASER$\nu$ neutrino detector focuses on high-energy collider neutrino interactions in the TeV regime, extending current cross-section measurements. The FASER collaboration announced in August 2023 the first direct observation of electron neutrino interactions in a particle collider experiment, using only a sub-volume of data collected so far with the FASER$\nu$ detector. Made up of alternating emulsion films and tungsten plates, it has a target mass of 1.1 tonnes. Sub-micron position resolution is achieved, allowing for all three neutrino flavours to be distinguished by their vertex topology in charged current interactions. FASER plans to run throughout the LHC Run 3, collecting $250$ fb$^{-1}$ of data. By probing forward hadron production and deep inelastic scattering of high-energy neutrinos, FASER results will provide important insights in QCD. In this presentation, recent FASER$\nu$ results, as well as the status of data taking and analysis, will be presented.