One of the LHC experiment's main goals is to precisely measure the Higgs boson production mechanisms to clarify its coupling structure. In the Standard Model of particle physics, the coupling of the Higgs boson to fermions is introduced via the Yukawa interaction. Due to the low cross-section and overwhelming background processes, the Yukawa coupling to b-quarks ($y_{b}$) was measured only in the decay process and not yet in the production mechanism. This measurement aims at measuring the b-associated Higgs production (bbH) using data collected by the CMS experiment during Run 2. The study covers events where the Higgs boson is produced through the bbH channel and further decays into two tau leptons, subsequently fully leptonically ($\tau_{e}\tau_{\mu} $), semi leptonically ($\tau_{e}\tau_{h} $ , $\tau_{\mu}\tau_{h}$) , and fully hadronically ($\tau_{h}\tau_{h}$). A machine learning approach has been used to classify the events into Higgs signal classes and several background classes. First, results on the sensitivity of the bbH production channel will be shown.