The proposed Large Hadron-electron Collider and the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron mode will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime. These facilities will provide electron-proton (nucleus) collisions with per nucleon instantaneous luminosities around $10^{34}$($10^{33}$) cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$ by colliding a 50-60 GeV electron beam from a highly innovative energy-recovery linac system with the LHC/FCC hadron beams, concurrently with other experiments for hadron-hadron collisions. The detector design was updated in the 2020 Conceptual Design Report. Ongoing developments since then include an improved interaction region design, reflecting state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation simulations, together with a more detailed study of an all-silicon central tracking detector. Additional capabilities for particle identification, enabling improved semi-inclusive DIS and eA studies, are also under study. In this talk, we describe the current detector design and ongoing discussion in the framework of a new ep/eA study being carried out on behalf of CERN, highlighting areas of common interest with other future collider experiments and the new Detector R&D Collaborations in Europe.