A new proton-proton collisions era at 14 TeV will start around 2029 with the
HL-LHC. To withstand the higher radiation doses and the harsher data taking
expected at HL-LHC, the ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) Calorimeter readout
electronics needed an upgrade.
The LAr electronic upgrade is composed of four main components.
1: New front-end boards which will allow to amplify, shape and digitise
the calorimeter’s ionisation signal on two gains over a dynamic range
of 16 bits and 11-bit precision.
Custom preamplifiers and shapers were developed using CMOS
Two concurrent preamp-shaper ASICs were designed. “ALFE” was selected
to be the best. Results of the latest version of this ASIC is
ALso, results on a new developed ADC chip called “COLUTA”, the production and
the ongoing integration tests are shown.
2: New calibration boards which will allow the precise calibration of all
182468 channels of the calorimeter over a 16-bit dynamic range.
A non-linearity of one per mille and non-uniformity of
0.25% shall be achieved.
The latest versions of the 2 ASICs that passed recent PDR are presented.
3: New ATCA-compliant signal processing boards (“LASP”) which will receive
the detector data at 40 MHz where FPGAs connected through lpGBT
links will perform energy and time reconstruction.
The latest development status of the board and the firmware
are shown. For the first time machine-learning techniques
are considered for these FPGAs.
4: A new timing and control system, “LATS”, will synchronise with
the aforementioned components. Its current design status is shown.