Lorenzo Rossi
(University of Pavia & INFN)
In this talk we present the latest results by the MAP Collaboration about the extraction of unpolarized quark Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Distributions (TMD PDFs) and Fragmentation Functions (TMD FFs) from global fits of Drell-Yan and Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) data sets.
Primary authors
Alessandro Bacchetta
(Università di Pavia & INFN)
Andrea Signori
(University of Turin)
Chiara Bissolotti
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Filippo Delcarro
(University of Pavia)
Giuseppe Bozzi
(University of Cagliari)
Lorenzo Rossi
(University of Pavia & INFN)
Marco Radici
(Università di Pavia & INFN)
Matteo Cerutti
(Jefferson Laboratory)
Valerio Bertone
(CEA Paris-Saclay)