The understanding of the gluon Sivers effect is one of the main objectives of current and future experiments as a possible solution to the large single transverse-spin asymmetry(SSA) which has been a mystery in high energy QCD over 40 years. The collinear twist-3 framework has been a successful perturbative QCD framework for the description of the SSA in the high transverse momentum region of a production hadron. In the case of heavy quarkonium productions, the twist-3 gluon Sivers effect is expected to play a role as an origin of the SSA. In this talk, we will show the first systematic calculation for the J/psi SSA within the twist-3 framework combined with non-relativistic QCD framework which gives a reliable treatment of the hadronization of a heavy quark-antiquark pair into a heavy quarkonium. Our result is necessary for the on-going measurement at RHIC and future investigations at electron-ion colliders.