Measurements of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) are an important constraint on the description of the parton structure functions. Both the intrinsic $k_\perp$ of the quarks as well as the $p_\perp$ dependence of the hadronization process affect the dependence of the SIDIS cross section on transverse momentum ($P_T$). Experimental determination of the transverse momentum dependence of the SIDIS cross section constrains models of transverse momentum dependent parton distributions and fragmentation functions, and allows the development of a fully 3D momentum picture of the nucleon. Precise measurements of the transverse momentum dependent cross sections for electroproduction of charged pions have been performed using liquid hydrogen and deuterium targets impinged on by 11 GeV electrons, with the scattered electron and produced hadron observed by the two magnetic spectrometers in Jefferson Lab Hall C. Data with invariant photon mass $Q^2$ greater than 2 GeV$^2$ and hadronic recoil energy W greater than 2 GeV were collected to find cross sections at $x_{BJ}$ ranges of 0.3-0.5 and fractional energy $z$ of 0.3 to 1.0 with $P_T$ from 0 to 0.7 GeV/c; the coverage in hadron azimuthal angle $\phi_h$ is generally from 0 to 360º for $P_T$ less than 0.4 GeV/c. The statistical precision of the charged pion data is on the order of 1-2%, with comparable systematic uncertainties expected, allowing the determination of the fully differential cross section in $z$, $P_T$, and $\phi_h$. Preliminary results of charged pion SIDIS from $^1$H and $^2$H will be presented, along with results of a 4-parameter phenomenological fit.