8–12 avr. 2024
Maison MINATEC, Grenoble, FRANCE
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Higgs boson coupling properties to fermions and search for rare and LFV Higgs boson decays with ATLAS

9 avr. 2024, 09:40
Maison MINATEC, Grenoble, FRANCE

Maison MINATEC, Grenoble, FRANCE

3 Parv. Louis Néel, 38054 Grenoble
Regular parallel talk WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model WG3


Louis-Guillaume Gagnon


The Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson to quarks and leptons are an important window into the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking and the origin of fermion masses. This talk presents several measurements of Higgs boson decays to bottom quarks, tau leptons and muons, as well as constraints on the rate of Higgs boson decays to charm quarks and on the magnitude of the charm-Yukawa coupling. The production of Higgs bosons in association with top quarks will also be discussed. These results are based on the full dataset collected in pp collisions at 13 TeV during Run 2 of the LHC.

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