Vacuum-like e+e- collisions provide outstanding opportunities to characterize the properties of Quantum chromodynamics across different energy scales. At high pT, they can be used to study the parton-shower evolution in the cleanest experimental conditions, including modern jet-substructure techniques. At low pT, measurements of two-particle long-range correlations can constrain the possible emergence of collective phenomena, which are now observed in all hadronic collisions. Measurements of energy-energy correlators in e+e- collisions allow us to connect the two energy scales. In this talk, we will present the first measurement of anti-kT jet spectra and jet substructure and the latest results of the two-particle angular correlations of charged particles, which was recently measured for the first time at LEP2 energies. The long-range near-side yield measured at high multiplicity, in particular, shows an intriguing deviation from archived MC. The most recent results on the energy-energy correlator using e+e- data will also be presented. The prospects for analogous measurements at the Electron-Ion Collider and the Future Circular Collider will also be discussed.