The forthcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), expected to commence operations in the early 2030s, has already reached several significant milestones on its path toward completion. The core of the EIC physics program is the 3D imaging of partonic structures in protons and nuclei. The experimental detector setup required to enable this primary objective utilizes "Far-Forward" (FF) and "Far-Backward" (FB) detectors positioned downstream in the hadron-going and electron-going directions from the interaction point of the EIC, respectively. The primary purpose of the far-backward detectors is to monitor luminosity and measure scattered electrons in EIC collisions, while the array of far-forward detectors is used to tag and reconstruct both charged and neutral particles that scatter at small angles. These detectors also enable a broader physics program than was initially envisioned, enhancing the EIC's research potential. The expanded capabilities have been a prime focus for engaging the broader nuclear physics community to build a robust groundwork for the EIC. In this talk, I will describe the FF/FB detectors and review the advanced forward physics program facilitated by the FF/FB detectors at the EIC.