8–12 avr. 2024
Maison MINATEC, Grenoble, FRANCE
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Updates of MSHT PDFs

9 avr. 2024, 09:10
Maison MINATEC, Grenoble, FRANCE

Maison MINATEC, Grenoble, FRANCE

3 Parv. Louis Néel, 38054 Grenoble
Regular parallel talk WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities WG1


Robert Thorne (University College London)


In this talk we will summarise the latest updates to PDF fits using the MSHT
approach. This will include details of high-x PDF sensitivity to jet/dijet
data, Z boson transverse distributions and high x data providing information
on quark flavours. We will also discuss the most recent determinations of
the strong coupling constant at both NNLO and N^3LO in perturbation theory.
We will summarise the inclusion of QED corrections and the photon PDF into
the approximate N^3LO framework. Finally, we will mention progress involving
improvements to the approximate N^3LO PDF analysis.

Auteur principal

Robert Thorne (University College London)


Lucian Harland-Lang (University College London) Tom Cridge (DESY)

Documents de présentation